
The following links are the Assessment related to this course.

Demo Video

Journal:This page records the entire process of completing this project, including many videos and pictures, as well as my original ideas.

Proposal Pitch:This pitch contains our most original ideas for this project.

Team Proposal:This document is the description of the problem space, context and originating context, and Description of individual focus, plans for discovery and development.

Prototype Demonstration_video:I demonstrate part of core experience/functionality with physical prototypes through a video demonstration.

Prototype Demonstration_document: The pdf document include part of core experience/functionality with physical prototypes.

Team Report: This report includes some contents about how the concepts (individual or collaborative) relate to each other, the team problem space, and the broader studio context.

Reference of Project

The following links are the Reference related to the project.

Ultrasonic Sensor:

(2020). Retrieved 8 June 2020, from

Voice Control based on blinker:

blinker-iot/blinker-doc. (2020). Retrieved 8 June 2020, from使⽤Arduino&蓝⽛接⼊

Information of Ultrasonic Sensor:

Arduino - Ultrasonic Sensor - Tutorialspoint. (2020). Retrieved 8 June 2020, from

Reference of Website

The following links are the Reference related to this website.




Mark Otto, a., & , 译. (2020). Bootstrap 中⽂⽂档 · Bootstrap 是世界上最流⾏的、移动设备优先的、响应式前端开发框架。. Retrieved 8 June 2020, from

Some text of this website:

Yan, H. (2020). Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files. Retrieved 8 June 2020, from 1fw_eo5fiLhf5QDkaBFnOctvOU9_Cx-pd/view?usp=sharing