  • readbook
  • Key related work

  • info-flat
  • Experience

  • targetuser
  • Target user

  • Team
  • Team

Key related work

The main document I refer to is the 2019 ‘Academic Stress and Physical Activity in Adolescents’ which demonstrates that lack of exercise in adolescents will cause excessive stress. It is also recommended that school administrators and educators pay attention to the problem of lack of exercise among teenagers. According to the research with the development of the times, the pressure on students was greater before. Because they need to learn more knowledge than before. Therefore, people realize that a reasonable allocation of leisure and sports time is crucial. Although students have time for physical education, most sports are boring for those who do not likesports, such as monotonous running. Humans can't relieve stress when they ding the work they reject, so my project is to make a fun sports fitness game for students, and then help them relieve their stress. The article mentions that mental disorders occur more frequently in younger than older individuals. However, most decompression products are videos or a soothing object. These decompression products can not attract teenagers better. On the other hand, the article also mentioned that exercise is a more effective way to relieve stress. At the same time, most teenagers like to play games. So I combined sports with video games to attract youngpeople.


Problem Space

people exercise

For a variety of reasons our two groups merged into a new group. After the reorganization we restudied our problem space. In the beginning we want to use two problem space at the same time, but after study finds that this will make our concept of deviating from the direction to find a key, then we respectively to study the two problems with space analysis, USES many methods to explore what should choose a problem space, we first do a brainstorming, every problem domain to imagine what might design direction, then what have we done in two areas of related literature research, found that the use of environmental protection as our problem domain, it is difficult to guarantee our concept can be enough to attract users for long-term use, It is more oriented towards some common objects. The problem space of relieving stress is more likely to ensure a good description of all directions. Moreover, in our research, we found that stress is a common problem area in modern society, and everyone's stress should be relieved. So we identified our problem space as helping people relieve daily stress.

Solution Space

people exercise

After determining the problem space, we began to make a detailed analysis of the problem space to relieve the pressure. First through the way of brain storming, we discuss a in the body as a controller under the premise of, we can through what way to relieve stress, the results of our discussion is the way to relieve stress through sports, because this way can convenient user, is limited by a little use of regional problems, and it is also the most traditional way of relaxation. Then we combined with the literature review we did to determine that our target user is the student group, so my design will focus on helping students relieve pressure.

I need to design a project to help students fix this problem. Research shows that exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress, so I will try to relieve it by encouraging students to exercise. I use body as controller to make a project, let users doing exercise when they are playing the game.

Target User

people exercise

Our target users are students, many habits are formed in the youth. A large proportion of diseases are caused by young people not paying attention to their health, so it is very necessary to find out in time when there is no threat to life and health. On the other hand, the survey shows that students under too much pressure will lead to psychological problems, and in serious cases, they may be inclined to commit suicide. Therefore, students become our target users, and our group hopes to help them relieve pressure through sports.

User Research

people exercise

According to the feedback and group discussions which I got from the group, I got some initial inspiration. Our target user is a student, so I have to find sports that are suitable for students, such as skipping rope and running. So I did a survey of sports that students liked.

The results show that most people like to run, dance, and play basketball. Running is the most popular one. So I think the sport of running should be added to this project. During the interview, some people mentioned that although running is the most effective way to exercise, however that is a boring exercise. People usually like to do this sport with music. This gave me some inspirations. I noticed that dancing is also one of the popular sports, and it is also accompanied by music. (Barbara Fredrickson) believes that using music to reduce stress is good for our physical and mental health. So I decided to combine these two sports methods to complete my project.

Team concept & Relationship

The purpose of our team is design a game which will release people stress by punch the object in the game. But since the team cannot make this project together, our team become development different ways to help university student release their stress. Finally, we all work on our own part.

Our team concept is body as the controller, and our target user are students. Thus, my direction is to design a game to help students doing exercise. The purpose of this project is release their pressure.

Team number
Jiayu Li (Vicky):
Zihan Qi (Matt):
Yiu Chun Choy (Eugene):
Zhengyang Zhang (Edward):
Xue Xia (Snow):