Learn Programming Using AR Game


CodeCaptor is an Augmented Reality game that aims to teach programming to children and adults who want to learn to code. This game will bridge learning and actual coding. To achieve this, the material used here is pseudocode. The target of this game is that more than two players can play it. More than ten people also don't matter. But for this project, CodeCaptor will only be demonstrated as a single-player game where the player will have several physical objects, including Capturers, Answer Markers, Player Markers, and Real Code Markers.

Part of CodeCaptor


Capturer is a tool to see the virtual world. A square magnifying glass inspires the shape. This object was created using a smartphone and mini tripod; then shaped like my inspiration. If you think that players can use smartphones without a tripod, I agree with you. However, to give the impression of explorer or detective, we need to make the device look exactly like the object in reality.

Players will need both hands for this game, the right side is used to hold the capturer and the other hand will be used to pick up answer markers. Players can see questions and answers that only appear in the virtual world by using this object.

Answer Markers

Answer markers are used to display answer choices virtually. The virtual answers will be randomized to their position, so they don't stick to only one particular marker. In this project, only six answer markers were made. However, in reality, there will be many markers according to the number of players. Besides, there are challenges that I have planned, but cannot be conveyed. I have designed a computer virus character that will eat the choice of answers. If the answer has already been eaten, the player must look for the answer in other markers because several markers will have the same answer choice. What if all the answers are fed? All answer markers will reset their virtual objects so that the correct answer choices will reappear. That's the ideal concept of this game.

Answer Markers

Player's Marker

Player's Marker

This game does not use an account, but each player must have their player marker. The player number must be determined before playing. Ideally, the capturer will detect the player marker and will only focus as a player with the number printed on the marker. If the capturer is set for player 1, the capturer will not be able to see virtual objects from other player markers.

Virtual questions will be displayed on this player marker. But the items given are still static. The future proposal is to use a database to hold various items and use random to display questions to all players. The Hint will be given at the beginning of the game, which will then disappear in the next few questions. This Hint is used as a substitute for learning material. Players will learn directly in the game by repeating and practising.

An additional marker for this marker is the Real Code Marker. This marker will display the actual code for the question given. Supposedly, players can show real code for programming languages like Python, C, Java, and PHP. But for now, it only displays Java.


1. Choose Player's Number

Which number do you want? One or ten? Get the marker with number that you want. Then scan it with the capturer. If you are decided, do not look others' marker.

2. Look at The Question

After you scan the player marker, the question will be displayed. Read it carefully before you decide the answer. Ssst. There is a hint for the novice. Use it carefully and remember it for future challlenges

3. Find and Take The Answer

There are six answer markers. Choose one and put it on top of the question that belongs to you. If the answer is correct, you will be brought to the next question. If not, try again! I know you can do it.

4. Display the Real Code

This is optional. If you want to see what the question looks like in real code, you can use the Real Code marker. Just put it near player marker and the code will be magically show up.

"Ooops! Sometimes, it happens. It's bonus!"