The concept is teaching children about sustainability in the household by learning good habits:
turning off light when it is not in use, conscious of using water and recycling in their
day-to-day life. A terrarium is a tool, a product, a miniature, and an abstract representation
of the earth that needs care. The terrarium is intended to create a bridge between parents and
children toward the consistent practice of sustainability.
Nowadays, schools are teaching children about sustainability and how it was important to the
earth we live in, why everyone needs to be accountable for the action they take; and what action
they do to create a better future. Every action has consequences, and it’s all matters to the
environment. The ultimate goal of this project is to help build good habits, develop
responsibility, and express their connection to their world through everyday actions.
Intended Experience
With the learning children had about sustainability in the school, it would be good to take further action in their everyday life at home. A monitory system would analyze user behavior and remind them to add water to the terrarium if they made a good habit (behavior) in a day. If the analysis result is bad, the system will remind the user with a buzzer sound and releasing the smoke. The “digital sensations” of the smoke are ideally and intended to catch children’s attention and reminded them about what the consequence might happen to the terrarium (earth). Here, smoke is an abstract representation of bad habit (behavior), which could destroy the terrarium if it didn’t add the water. It would also help to develop their responsibility to look after the terrarium and make sure the plant is growing healthy.
Problem Space
We want to focus on Global Warming and raise children's awareness about sustainability and
environmental protection within our team's chosen domain. This is an ongoing subject that has
been trying to address in education. We think it was a good topic that we could explore and make
learning fun and playful.
The scope I chose was to focus on raise awareness of children's understanding, skills, and
sustainability at home. Energy and water are things that we couldn't live without in our lives,
but we can easily take advantage of it. Recycling, on the other hand, is a way to help the earth
to reduce carbon footprints if we did it correctly. Many studies have pointed out that teaching
children about gardening could help them to learn about the environment and social aspects of
sustainability. This terrarium is a tool and a plant to help parents to teach their children
about the importance of sustainability in a more interesting and authentic experience.